
crier logoThe Fairview Town Crier is a 501 (3) (c) company that publishes a monthly community newspaper. 12 issues per year are delivered free on or about the first of every month to 8,900+ households. Distribution is limited to Fairview, Gerton, and contiguous parts of Reynolds and Fletcher, North Carolina. The Fairview Town Crier is located at 1185H Charlotte Highway, Fairview, North Carolina 28730; mailing address is PO Box 1862, Fairview, North Carolina 28730.

Editorial Policy: The Fairview Town Crier reserves the right to refuse any advertising or editorial submission deemed inappropriate for the tone and style of the publication. A best effort has been made to verify legitimacy of information received and published. Views expressed in columns and/or articles do not represent those of The Fairview Town Crier.

Submissions: Announcements, community news, upcoming events, personal notices, letters, etc. will be published free as space allows. Email to clark @ fairviewtowncrier.com. For contact information please click here.