☞ Only $10 for 20 words and 25 cents for each word over.
☞ Classified ads must be prepaid.
Payments and Submissions
You can submit submissions and/or payment in the following ways.
Town Crier Classifieds
PO Box 1862
Fairview, NC 28730
In Person:
1185 Charlotte Hwy, Fairview, NC 28730
(we share space with the Worship Center)
Office Phone: (828) 628-2211
Office Hours: 11 am–3 pm, Tuesday and Thursday
There is a blue dropbox outside the office where payments (cash or check) can be dropped off 24/7.
Pay Online!
- Please email the text you want to run to [email protected].
- You will receive an email reply with the cost of your ad.
- Click here to pay (you will need to enter in the amount).