Socrates Ingle went back around 1895 to Brasstown, located close to the Clay-Cherokee County line. He soon met Eliza C. Waldroup and married her on December 27, 1896. Aunt Eliza, the daughter of William Waldroup, was born in Cherokee County in 1874.
Uncle Scrate had married a woman who could more than hold her own with him. She had a reputation for toughness, as did her first cousin’s son Ty Cobb. Uncle Scrate had a habit of clenching his teeth when he would get mad; Aunt Eliza would tell him to quit clenching his teeth or she would come over there and slap the Hell out of him. All of Uncle Scrate and Aunt Eliza’s children were born in Cherokee County.
Uncle Scrate did pretty well for a while. Cherokee County did not have a stock law at that time, and people would brand their hogs and let them run loose and feed on the chestnuts. But then Uncle Scrate got drunk one Friday night and went and got his rifle. He had decided it would be fun to see how many hogs he could shoot.
After that episode, Grandpa said they “put him on the porch” (ran him out of Cherokee County). Uncle Scrate then moved to Ducktown, Tennessee, just a few miles north of Copper Hill, Tennessee. Uncle Scrate ran a livery stable at Ducktown for a couple of years. Grandpa said he couldn’t remember what Scrate did to get run out of town there, but run out he was.
Uncle Scrate then moved his family to Galveston, Texas. He got a job as a Galveston City policeman. Scrate was said to be a very good policeman until one night he got drunk and caused some trouble. He was let go for a while, but Scrate was such a good policeman they decided to give him another chance. Uncle Scrate did such a good job that they made him a police captain. Things were really going good for him, and great-grandmother Mary thought her favorite son was going to be ok. And then one Saturday night, Uncle Scrate got drunk. He went to downtown Galveston, with his police uniform on and told people they could do anything they damned pleased. He dared any of his men to try and arrest them. Grandpa said “they put him on the porch” once again.
Uncle Scrate and Aunt Eliza then moved to Weatherford in Custer County, Oklahoma. They did not stay there very long, a year at most. Scrate then moved to Sapulpa, Oklahoma. He was living there in 1912. Great-grandmother Mary Foster Ingle (1852-1912) was living on Spring Street in Asheville’s West End. She was dying of tuberculosis and had not seen her favorite son in almost 17 years. She wrote him in Sapulpa pleading to see him one more time before she died; she talked of taking the train to Oklahoma to see him if Scrate could not come to see her. Their reunion never happened, and she died later in the year. I do not know if great- grandmother would have been allowed to ride a train with tuberculosis. Also, great-grandfather Jasper Ingle (1852-1915) may not have been willing to spend the money for a train ticket. He was noted for being tight with his money; he had to be, as he wasn’t known for being one who liked to work. Finally, Scrate may have been afraid to come back to Buncombe County for fear of being arrested. He may have not even cared to see his mother again.

Scrate and Eliza Ingle then moved to Prairie Grove in Washington County, Arkansas. He ran a store there for a short period of time, then left the grocery business for the movie theater industry. Scrate ran small town movie theaters in Eureka Springs, Berryville and Green Forest, all in Carroll County Arkansas, and Harrison in next door Boone Co. Arkansas.
In 1917 Uncle Scrate and Aunt Eliza moved to the big city, Kansas City, Missouri, and Scrate went back into the grocery store business. They said no person was better at building up a grocery store’s business. Every time Scrate got a store booming, he would either sell it and start over or trade it for land or another business. His son-in-law Joseph Maher (1907–1982) said Scrate would get beat every time. Maher said once Scrate traded a booming grocery store for a farm, sight unseen, in Arkansas, infuriating his family. Joe and Scrate’s daughter Margie took him down to the farm. It was located as far away from civilization as possible and the road was so bad the car got wedged between two trees. The house had no electricity and the farm land was so poor you couldn’t raise a fight. Scrate sold the farm for nearly nothing and moved back to Kansas City.
Socrates Elmer Ingle died of leukemia in Kansas City, Missouri in 1951. Aunt Eliza died in Kansas City in 1952. Uncle Scrate and Aunt Eliza had four children:
Myrtle Ingle was born in Cherokee County in June 1898 and died there in December 1898. She is buried at Brasstown Baptist Church Cemetery.
Flossie Mae Ingle was born in Cherokee County in 1899 and married Frank McIntire (1883-1948), one of Tom Pendergast’s policeman. Flossie died June 22, 1958 in Kansas City.
John Ingle was born in Cherokee County, NC September 5, 1901. He married Lolla; John died in Arkansas on November 5, 1965. I remember seeing him once when he lived in Halfway, Missouri, so called because it was located halfway between Bolivar and Buffalo, Missouri. I was around ten years old and the farm was located on a dirt road miles out in the country. It seemed every 300 feet there was a tarpon crossing the road. I could not believe how many tarpons there where at Halfway.
Margie Marie Ingle was born in Cherokee County on November 24, 1902. She first married Gene who soon died. She was married again in 1928 to Joseph Francis Maher (February 1907–November 23, 1982) in Kansas City. Margie died July 4, 1981 in Kansas City.